Many lawyers today tend to specialise in different areas of the law as soon as they obtain a law degree. This type of specialisation goes with law firms as well.
The varied sizes and specialisations of law firms make the decision easier for prospective clients. Whatever the clients’ choice of a law firm is determined by the type of case they have.
The Solo Practitioner
While a solo practitioner may show a single name on his/her shingle, he/she still makes use of supporting staff such as secretaries and paralegals. Many solo practitioners are sort of jack-of-all-trades in the past. That has changed with the age of specialisations today. Solo practitioners can be an inexpensive alternative for people on a limited budget. Their low overhead allows solo practitioners to come up with smaller fees. However, this would depend on the complexity of the case being handled.
Boutique Law Firm
A notch higher than the solo practitioner is the boutique law firm. Boutique law firms consist of lawyers with varied specialisations to work together under one firm. Their varied expertise can be combined to help more clients or they can work as specialists in one area of law.
Smaller Commercial Law Firm
Real estate law practice is often the focus and specialisation of smaller commercial law firms. Smaller commercial law firms aim to establish a strong practice reputation in certain industries with real estate as the most common. Some wealthy clients with real estate legal issues prefer the personalised touch and services offered by the smaller commercial law firms.
Mid-sized Commercial Law Firm
Mid-sized commercial law firms mostly specialise in business law to include litigation and transactional expertise. While being bigger than solo and boutique law firms, an intimate atmosphere is still provided by mid-sized commercial law firms to their various clients. The cases and deals handled by this type of law firm directly involve the various partners in working together for the common good. Yet, partners in the law firm are allowed the freedom to work on individual cases with the income generated shared by all.
Niche Law Firm
Niche law firms specialise in diverse areas such as sports, shipping, intellectual property, family, insurance, fashion, and a lot more. The high demand for niche legal issues led to the creation of niche law firms.
Giant Commercial Law Conglomerates
Law firm mergers result in giant commercial law conglomerates. Often, international law firm mergers allow these large law firms to set up practice in almost all parts of the world. Huge corporate and financial deals are the main focus of this type of law firm. Wealthy industries are the top clients handled by giant commercial law firms. The service and atmosphere provided by huge law firms may be brisk, all business, and impersonal. However, their high rate of success with commercial and financial dealings makes them the top choice for industries that want to keep and maintain their reputation and standing.
The different types of law firms offer their clients different experiences. Understanding the way these firms work ensure getting the right one for one’s needs, preference, and budget. The varied sizes and shapes of law firms enable clients to choose the one they feel comfortable partnering with. Contact lawyers from to learn more about us.